Northridge CEO & Executive Employment Law Attorneys
Representing Management Employees throughout the San Fernando Valley
As a manager, director, or executive employee, you have likely entered into your employment through a written contract that spells out the conditions and terms of your relationship with your employer. Should your employer fail to live up to the terms of the contract or violate state or federal laws regarding employment, you may have cause to bring legal action to rectify the situation.
At K2 Employment Law, we are sensitive to the needs of CEOs and executives relating to employment contracts and other employment law issues and disputes. Our firm is dedicated to representing employees these issues, whether through negotiation, arbitration, or litigation.
As employment law attorneys who have represented employers in the past, we have deep insight into the tactics that businesses and corporations may use against you in these matters. Our Northridge CEO and executive employment law lawyers know how to fight such tactics and build your case in pursuit of a favorable outcome.
Call us at (800) 590-7674 for a free, initial consultation about your employment matter today.
CEO & Executive Employment Issues
At K2 Employment Law, we represent CEOs, executives, technical experts, and other high-level management employees, as well as any other employees who have a written contract with their employer. A common dispute for management employees is some type of breach of contract. Other disputes may center on state and federal laws regarding discrimination, whistleblowing, or related employment matters.
Examples of CEO and executive-level employment law issues we handle include:
- Salary disputes
- Disputes over benefits
- Contested stock options
- Bonus or commission issues
- Retirement benefits or account disputes
- Disagreements concerning partnership roles, responsibilities, and compensation
- Severance package issues
- Control of intellectual property
- Disputes over client lists
- Non-compete agreements
- Age, disability, gender, race, or other forms of discrimination
- Sexual harassment
- Whistleblowing
- Retaliation
Work with an Experienced Attorney
In any employment law dispute wherein you are up against the forces of a business or corporation, it is imperative that you have a tough attorney on your side who has the experience and resources to successfully fight back. Our legal team has a thorough understanding of the legalities involved in these disputes and knows how to investigate and evaluate the matter with all of its financial ramifications.
Contact us at (800) 590-7674 to learn more about how our Northridge CEO and executive employment law attorneys can help you.